Thursday, 25 April 2013

J&K Apartments Take Park in The London Moonwalk


On Saturday 11th May, some friends and I will be power walking a half marathon through London in the middle of the night, in our bras!   It is The London Moonwalk 2013 with the aim of raising money to fight Breast Cancer.

Each year Walk the Walk brings over 30,000 walkers together with the united aim of raising awareness and raising funds to fight breast cancer.  Did you know that 1 in 8 women in the UK will experience some form of breast cancer in their lifetime?  130 women every day are diagnosed with breast cancer.  1000 women a month lose their life to breast cancer.

Last year, together with volunteers, walkers and supporters Walk the Walk raised in excess of £8.00 .3 million!  As an organization, Walk the Walk has recognised the importance of emotional cancer support.  Over the past year grants have included CancerKin  – to support women in East London. This area currently has the highest mortality rate for breast cancer.  Funds have been granted to FACT who offer wonderful care and support to patients in the North East.  Scalp Cooling across the UK as been granted in excess of £5.00 million supplying 454 machines to 165 hospitals throughout the UK.  Although hair loss is not life threatening, the impact can be quite devastating. With a success rate of between 60-90%, these machines are giving cancer patients the best chance to keep their hair whilst undergoing chemotherapy.

Walking has been described by researchers as ‘the nearest activity to perfect exercise’.  It is certainly the most natural and probably the most accessible sport you could take up.  Walking is suitable for all ages and offers and array of health benefits as well as being low impact, thus being a sport with a low risk of injury.  Regular walking also improves posture by developing greater core stability and strengthening your lower back.  It is excellent for weight loss. Did you know that if you walk four times per week for 45 minutes at a pace that increases your heart rate, you could lose up to 18lbs in weight without even changing your diet?

There is strong scientific evidence that physical activity and walking specifically, reduces the risk of breast cancer.  The great thing about walking is that it is something that can be so easily incorporated into your daily life making you feel better inside and out!
So – although at the moment, I am not really looking forward to walking the streets of London in my bra, I am very pleased to be doing something positive and doing my bit to raise money to fight breast cancer.

Some of our luxury serviced apartments at The Sloane Club in Knightsbridge have very kindly let us use an apartment for the night.  It will be great to come back to a comfortable bed after all those miles, even if it is only for a few hours!  Thank you The Sloane Club.

If you did want to sponsor me, please follow the link below.  It really is a great cause.

Thank you.
Kate Griffin

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